Welcome to the homepage of Dr. Rausch
While the rest of the homepage is kept in German, I will use this space to outline our services in English.
I am a specialist in Internal Medicine with degrees in Emergency Medicine, Chirotherapy, Traditional Chinese Medicine, Travel related Medicine/Tropical diseases, and a basic training in Psychosomatic Medicine.
For the foreigners who are insured under the German health system it is important to know that I function as a so called "Hausarzt".
Our services
- complete check-ups
- travel related counselling and all vaccinations
- small surgery (cuts, etc)
- ultrasound with coloured duplex (thyroid/neck, carotid arteries or any other vessels, abdomen)
- ecg, holter or 24hour-ecg, stress-ecg (including lactate measurements), 24hour-blood-pressure testing
- lung function test
- acupuncture and chinese herbal therapy: TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine)
Please do not hesitate to inquire about our services in case of doubt.
With the exception of emergencies you need an appointment.
Consultation hours
Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday |
8am - 4pm | 8am - 4pm | 8am - 2pm | 8am - 2pm | 8am - 2pm |
There is a 24hour emergency telephone number my patients can make use of.
You can send an E-mail to my assistents Arijeta Zekiri, and Tamina Dillinger: empfang@dr-rausch.de
TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine)
In the German part of my homepage there is a large section on TCM. The reason for this is the growing demand for this particular way of treatment. A few explanations for those who are not familiar with TCM:
Contrary to popular belief acupuncture is not Chinese Medicine.
In China the treatment with needles only makes up for a small part of the traditional medicine (maybe around 20%). The most important part of the tratment is achieved by herbal therapy.
Additionally dietary advice, Qi Gong/Tai Qi, and Tuina (a type of physiotherapy) are being used.
I started training in Acupuncture about 12 years ago, but was never satisfied with the possibilities.
Finally in 2003 I got to know a fellow doctor and now close friend who showed me the real potential of the system. Ever since I have been busily training to accomplish mastership in the complex matter of TCM. Fortunately the most diligent medical organisation for TCM is located in Munich. This provides me with the possibility to regularly exchange views and learn more with and from my colleagues. In 2007 I trained in Hangzhou, China.
A non-comprehensive list of indications which to treat with TCM (World Health Organisation):
Chronic pain
- back pain, degenerative spinal disease
- Joint pain
- Tennis-elbow
- Migraine, headache
- Trigeminal neuralgia
- Intecostal neuralgia, Zoster pain
Neurological conditions
- paralytic conditions
- Polyneuropathy
- Rehabilitation after stroke
- Depression, Panic disorder
- chronic fatigue
- dependencies
- Vertigo
- Tinnitus
- facial palsy
Internal Diseases
- Allergies, Hay-fever
- Asthma
- Acute virale Infections
- Chronic Bronchitis
- Sinusitis
- Irritable bowel disease
- Morbus Crohn und Colitis (chronoc imflammatory disease)
- Chronische Liver Conditions
- functional heart conditions
- Mild Hypertension
Gynecological Problems
- Dysmenorrhea
- Postmenopausal Problems
- Chronic inflammations, fertility related problems
- Facilitation of labour, easing of Labour
- pain reduction
- pregnancy related vomiting, edema
Skin diseases
- Acne
- Chronic Ekzema
- Psoriasis
- Neurodermitis
Urological dieases
- Cystitis, Prostatitis
- Dysfunction of Urogenital Tract, Irritable Bladder, Incontinence
- Enuresis nocturna
- Erectile Dysfunction, Infertility
Eye diseases
- Conjunctivitis
- Uveitis
- Juvenile Myopia
- Glaucoma
Information about myself
- born 1964
- studies and training: Universities of Freiburg , Hamburg , Heidelberg . University of Massachusetts Medical School , University of Saskatoon/Saskatchewan.
- University Hospitals: Freiburg, Saskatoon (Canada), Kantonsspital Liestal (Switzerland), University Hospital Mannheim, Central Hospital Augsburg
- titles/degrees: Dr. in Internal Medicine, Emergency Medicine, Acupunture/TCM, Chirotherapy, Travel-related Medicine and Tropical Diseases (CRM, DTG), Basic Psychosomatic Treatment
- registered in Germany, U.K., and Spain
- languages: English, Spanish, Italian, French
- practising in Weinstr. 12 between 2002 and 2009
- 2009: relocation to Brienner-Strasse 3
- Teaching für Medical students of Ludwig Maximilian University
- Teaching for SMS, Physicians's Society for Chinese Medicine
Location/maps: Odeonsplatz
Pharmacies: this is a link to a site that helps You locate the next 24hour pharmacy. A basic command of German is required to click yor way to the solution.
Emergencies: in case I cannot be reached, call 116 117.
This is the central switchboard for emergencies in Bayern. A home visit or the ambulance will be arranged depending on the type of problem you are dealing with.
Life threatening emergencies call 112
An ambulance staffed with paramedics and an emergency doctor will be with you within 10 minutes.